There is no scheduled lunch break.

Competitors will have to squeeze meals in between speeches. Parents will need to eat during the patterns that they are not judging.

Because of the tight schedule, we request that families stay on campus for lunch, either pre-purchasing these meals for the whole family, or bringing your own tasty meals.

Meals must be ordered and paid for by Jan. 13, 2024, or else your order may be dropped.

Each meal also comes with a snack and fruit. To lessen waste, please have each family member bring their own water bottle.


Choice of cheese or pepperoni pizza, from Costco. $2.50 per slice. Each slice is 1/8 of an 18" pizza.
Order the total number of slices for your family members.


Option 1: Chick Fil A Regular Chicken Sandwich (with breading) $10
Option 2: Chick Fil A Grilled Chilled Chicken Sandwich (no breading) $10

Food will be available in the Judges Lounge, but we want to have enough for Community Judges. Stoa parents--please grab snacks from the Judges Lounge, but purchase or bring meals for yourselves and your whole family. Thank you for understanding.